newbie question


New Member
Sorry if this question is too basic, I tried to read as much as I could but cant get a definate answer. I have a 55 fish and lr. I want to upgrade the lighting but am clueless what to look for. I do not think that I need MH as I do not intend to keep corals and I dont want a massive electric bill. So question is what should I look for as far as wattage, make etc. I was told that a power compact is a good start. Please help


I would think anywere from 110 watts to 220 watts of pc lighting on a 55 gl would be enough for fowlr. I have pc lighting and I love them ,they run very cool temp.


The make of my pc is JBJ 4x96 watts. The only thing I hate about them is each light bulb has its own power cord but if I get some ambition I will rewire to have only two power cords. The lights cost 379.99 shipped, so I would think for 110 to 220 watts it would run you $150.00 to $250.00.