Newbie Question


New Member
Greetings again all.
I have a couple more newbie questions I could use answered. Thanks much.
First, I have been cycling for about 11 days now. 90 Gallon Tank with 3-5 inches puka sand, 30 lbs base rock and 25 lbs Live Rock. Running 2 175 watt MH 10000k's and 1 40w Actinic (Cut down to 10 hrs Actinic and 8 hrs MH 3 days ago. Had been running them 12 hrs like I had read).
About 4-5 days ago I started getting the nasty brown algae. The LFS told me to just mix up the sand to get it off the top, but that it would go away as soon as the nutrients in the water were gone (used tap water with conditioner, no RO yet (next purchase will be RO)). Day after I did this one of the 4 Green Chromis's i am cycling with died. Did stirring up the sand kill him off??
Next question. The algae is ALL OVER now. How long till this should go away? I was told at the LFS that I should NOT start a cleaner crew until 21 days, but that algae is getting BAD.
Thanks again for helping the newbs.


Active Member
The brown algae is diatom algae and occures after all cycles and should pass with time. Many times some or all of the damsels and/or chromis die during the cycling proccess. That's why so many people have switched to fishless cycling.


Active Member
I would not run your lights for very long at all, this will help with the algae growth, Also are you testing you water to track your cycle. There is not a certain amount of days you should wait to put in a clean up crew, it depends on if your cycle has been finished for a few days. This means 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and nitrates below 20. Do not stir your sandbed this will disrupt the way it works. You need to start using RO water asap or you will continue to have algae problems. Try to buy it at a store until you can get a unit.


New Member
Thanks alot for the replies.
I am planning on getting a RO unit soon, hopefully within the week. If I need water before then I will make sure to buy some somewhere.
Cycle is getting close I believe. Ammonia 0, Nitrites about 2 and Nitrates are around 40 (going down slowly.) Soon as cycle is over I will start adding the cleaners.
Thanks again.