Newbie Questions


New Member
Hello. I am a newbie to salt water and would like to ask a few questions please. Below is what I have from the LFS recommendations pic included.
45 bow tank and stand
2-Marineland Penguin 350 bio-wheel filters
2-30 watt heaters ( 1 on each end )
Maxi-Jet 900 ( in center of tank on glass as no room with filters)
air pump up to 60 gal ( shell stone in back )
Coralife delux series 36" 96 watt light fixture
40 lbs LS
50 lbs Fiji LR ( bought from SWF )
2 yellow tail Damsel
3 green Chromas ( One passed & cannot find other today )In tank for 5 days.
Ammonia, PH, Nitrate & Nitrite checked good today. ( Jungle quick dip test strips ) Salinity at 1.022 ( Hydrometer ) The 1 found tail partly missing.
Was to get two clowns but they came in not looking good.
When done I would like to have 2 clowns 2 yellow tail and maybe a couple of something that works well with what I have. I also would like 2 or 3 anemone

1. Is the equip I have ok for what I would like to do?
2. Before cycle does it mater how much the lights are on?
3. Do I wait till after cycle to add reef package?
4. Do filters stay on 24/7 unless feeding?
5. LFS stated ok to add clowns when they come in This week is that ok?
Thank you in advance for your time and support.


Active Member
Here are some suggestions, never listen to the LFS they will rope you into buying stuff you dont need, take out the air pump it can cause pop eye, next time you cycle dont use damsels. I know that the fish store told you to do this stuff but please dont listen again.
If the tank is cycled then you can add the clowns. I would take out the damsels though because they will be a pain. Also get a new test kit Ive never heard of them being good. Raise the salinity to 1.025-1.026


Active Member
First Welcome to the boards!
Second as Tri said take everything your LFS says with a grain of salt! They are there to sell you things!
Yes the equipment you have will work for a SW tank but is not the best you could have done for the money.
Lose the air, no need. I didn't see a skimmer, which is the most important part of SW filtration (IMHO).
Get some good test kits. Dip strips are highly inaccurate at best. Get a refractometer instead of Hydro, again very inaccurate.
Need to know what are the reading to know where you are in the cycle. This should have been done by ghost feeding or cocktail shrimp and not with live animals.
Do not add anything else until the cycle is completely done.
Get rid of one of the HOB filters and look into an Aqua-C hob skimmer!
No worries! you're in the right place!


New Member
Thank you Tri & Tim.
I am very happy to be board:)
I will lose the air. I now see I could of done "much" better for the money I sepnt... ( let's not go there:) Believe it or not I was told I did not need a skimmer by the LFS! I will get rid of 1 of the filters and look into Aqua-C I will also get a refractometer.
Tank has been setup with fish for 5 days and the number this morning by my test dips were.
Ammonia between 0 & .25 more towards 0
PH was about 8.4 Nitrite .5 Nitrate about 30
May I ask what package is best for testing the above?


Active Member
If you want to go with a reef tank (anemone)
You should test for: PH, AMN, TrIte, TrAte, Calcium, ALK, Magnesium, Phosphate
The Amn and TrIte will be use less after the cycle.
I use Salifert kits and Tropic Marin kits. Salifert are the most accurate but the TM are a bit easier.
You need to do water change(WC). The amn is almost gone but the TrIte and TrAte are to high.
The cured LR might have saved you from a Amn spike.
I would also take the Damsels out before you get to far along. They are fairly aggressive and will be a large pain in the butt to remove later on.
Again don't add anything more until you get a solid test of 0 amn and 0 Trite.
I would check around and see if you have enough light for an anemone. I'm not sure....


New Member
hi and welcome.... i started off just like you....i read and thought the bio wheels and stuff was the way to go.... well ive been doin it for bout 1.5yrs now and ditched the bio wheels and canister filter idea after i bought em :(( .... look into an overflow box and a refugium... lil note it is cheaper to build your own refugium than buy one .. but all you filtration can be done there... i am running a refugium and a sump skimmer IMO it just works and looks a whole lot better... just wanted to add in the refugium idea... cause i also was running out of room on the back of my tank to hang stuff =))


Active Member
I would ditch the bio wheel filters - your LR is your biological filtration. Set up a fuge under your tank with overflows.
I'd look into getting 2 powerheads and place them on each end of tank.
Your needs to cycle for at least a monthbefore adding any livestock.
The lighting you have - are they PowerCompact lighting?
A good idea is to get a quarantine tank set-up as well. A simple plain old bare 10 gallon tank with a powerhead , heater, and sponge filter will be suffice.
Of course, THE most important thing to do is read and research alot before getting too involved if this is your first time with salt water. salt water is not the same as fresh water. It's much more delicate and expensive to upkeep. Read and researching will save you alot of heartache of losing fish and money knowing the ins and outs in SW aquaria keeping.


New Member
Thanks everybody for your help and advice. This is why people like me join:) Of course now I many decisions to make... The lighting I have is a Coralife deluxe. It says the 50/50 lamp combines the daylight rays of the 10,000 K and the true actinic of 03 blue rays to provide optional lighting.
Do you believe this will do the job or d I need more?
PS: I lost the air:)
Thanks AC

veni vidi vici

Active Member
It so hard to be patient.
LOL i fight the urge to buy stuff everyday,as i am new to the hobby and very green.I will share my adventure with you so far to show the mistakes i made.
1-Didnt buy tank that i would find out later isnt what i would like to have now.(no built in overflow and or drilled for bulkheads)
What i have now is overflow with U tube going to my Refugium.
2-Bought two filters that i no longer use ,1 HOB and 1 canister.Plus i had Undergravel filter with crushed coral substrate.
What i use now for filtration is LR and LS in DT.LR ,LS ,Cheato,and Skimmer in sump/fuge.
If you can do a Sump, do it.I had so much stuff hanging off back of tank.(Heater,Skimmer,Filters.....) it was very unsightly to me.
3-I cycled tank with Damsels
mean little #!&^%$ i had to break down my DT to get them out.
What i have now(A memory of a aggrivating experiance and no Damsels
4-Started with the original fluoresent light strip,upgraded to PCs.
What i have now 500w of Metal Halide lighting.
5-This one is probably the most important and im starting to try and make it a habit. Look Before You Leap! Ask alot of questions before you buy or introduce anything living into DT.
Dont add any chemicals to DT without researching it.
Dont buy everything on a whim like me
And cheaper price usually dosent mean you got a bargin.
DIY is king!
Im sure i forgot alot of my follies its only been a short time but there are to many to keep track of.
Good luck and enjoy