Newbie Queston...Need Help Please.


I have my water mixed and ready to go. Its in my tank now. I have live aragonite in the bag right now. Can I add the aragonite to the tank and not have to my filter going and not check my amonia, nitrite, and nitrate? Would this aragonite start a cycle?


before you even think about adding the aggrogate you need to wash it. there is no option on that. there is so much junk in those bags its not even funny. if you dont wash it your water will be clowdy for a few days compaired to hours. as far as a cycle i dont think it would start one(im not sure) but did you get any LS or LR yet?


I didn't check my levels when I put in my sand. You shouldn't have any ammonia or anything if the water is new, and you don't have to run the filter or anything really(I ran my power head though) but it takes your sand a while to settle


Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
before you even think about adding the aggrogate you need to wash it. there is no option on that. there is so much junk in those bags its not even funny. if you dont wash it your water will be clowdy for a few days compaired to hours. as far as a cycle i dont think it would start one(im not sure) but did you get any LS or LR yet?
It comes in a bag that is water packed. I don't think I need to wash it. So I don't need to have my filter runing?


did you buy that no-curing stuff?
if so you can return it cuz it cost like $40.00 for the bag and for a good bag of aggrogate its like $15.00. + that stuff doesnt have the benifical creatures in it that 1# of real LS would give you.
1# of LS is like $5.00 at LFS and it comes with free hitchhikers. and its much nicer then that "junk" in a bag. i used it once and i didnt like it at all. i tossed it after a week cuz it didnt work for what i wanted it to do(plus it was all moldy with green algee stuff.
but that is all my opinion on that stuff. you can use it im just giving my experences of the stuff.


Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
did you buy that no-curing stuff?
if so you can return it cuz it cost like $40.00 for the bag and for a good bag of aggrogate its like $15.00. + that stuff doesnt have the benifical creatures in it that 1# of real LS would give you.
1# of LS is like $5.00 at LFS and it comes with free hitchhikers. and its much nicer then that "junk" in a bag. i used it once and i didnt like it at all. i tossed it after a week cuz it didnt work for what i wanted it to do(plus it was all moldy with green algee stuff.
but that is all my opinion on that stuff. you can use it im just giving my experences of the stuff.
I got it for 14.99 because they didn't have it in their system to scan the price so I chose the price.


i would still try and swap it out just because of the algee problems that it can cause. but $15.00 isnt to bad of a price. i guess you could try it an see if you have any luck. your still probly gonna have to buy atleat 1# of LS if you dont buy LR to start your cycle.


a raw, uncooked shrimp works well to start the cycle. just put it in a tip of some panty hose and drop it in the tank for a couple of days or until the ammonia starts to increase then take it out. This will jump start your cycle


Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
i would still try and swap it out just because of the algee problems that it can cause. but $15.00 isnt to bad of a price. i guess you could try it an see if you have any luck. your still probly gonna have to buy atleat 1# of LS if you dont buy LR to start your cycle.
Im going to by live rock. Will this substrate that I have start a cycle?


Hi there,
Well I am not an expert or have as much experience in this hobby as others here. My opinion is as follows;
"Can I add the aragonite to the tank and not have to my filter going and not check my amonia, nitrite, and nitrate? " From what I know I beleive you do not have to run your filter at this time, only if you are placing your sand and not cycling the tank yet. No you do not have to test your water at this time. Start testing your water once your tank starts cycling. Than you have to test for amonia and nitrites first.
"Would this aragonite start a cycle?" Not sure about this question. In my opinion if this is live sand, i'm not sure if it could start the cycle or not. If it is just base sand (NOT live sand), than I would say no it won't. Again though, not sure about that one.
Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by Patriot54
Im going to by live rock. Will this substrate that I have start a cycle?
As far as I know it will not, the raw shrimp or ghost feeding will.
Just curious to what size tank you are setting up, what are you planning for your tank?


Originally Posted by locoyo386
As far as I know it will not, the raw shrimp or ghost feeding will.
Just curious to what size tank you are setting up, what are you planning for your tank?

I have a 12 gallon eclipse. Im not sure really, not a reef tank tho we will see how long that will last lol. Do you have any ideas of what I should do?


Originally Posted by Patriot54
I have a 12 gallon eclipse. Im not sure really, not a reef tank tho we will see how long that will last lol. Do you have any ideas of what I should do?
Well from my understanding of things small tanks can't really host alot of fish. I have a ten gallon tank that has 2 green chromis, a skunk shrimp and a feather duster. I also have a 55 gallon with a Niger Trigger and two damsels, by the way the Niger is the reason for the 55, and even that is too small for him. You might try a damsel or a clown for starters and see how that goes. I would not add fish untill I was sure the tank has cycled and make sure water is ok (amonia=0, nitrites=0, nitratesless than 20 or so, PH=8.2). hopefully someone with more experience can give you a longer stocklist of the possible fish you can have in the tank.


Originally Posted by Patriot54
I have a 12 gallon eclipse. Im not sure really, not a reef tank tho we will see how long that will last lol. Do you have any ideas of what I should do?
Personally I like fish only tanks, they are a little easier to take care of. Not all that testing for reef tanks, and the special lighting and all that.


Hi there,
Yeah, you could do a damsel first just make sure your amonia and nitrites are zero when you add the fish. Also keep in mind that if you have places where the damsel can hide, it will be difficult to take him out later. I say this cause I have been reading that after sometime people might want to get different fish in small tanks. I personally like damsel and have kept them in mine. I love the yellow (lemond damsel), yellow tail damsel, blue and the 3-stripe damsel. The 3-stripe damsel is a very aggressive one though.
Also whe you are ready to put fish in the tank you might want to check out the nano tank section as they might be better information as to what type of fish you could add.


Active Member
Hi there! So I see you have a lot of questions on this whole cycling or not cycling thing...if you have anything with live cultures of bacteria it will start a cycle. I can let you know what I did for my 55 gallon and haven't had an issue with nitrates or cycling spikes. It worked really well for me. I mixed my water just like you, added the live sand (and yes I used bagged sand), and bought already cured rock from my lfs. If you use uncured rock your cycle will be longer. Adn about a damsel, DO not get one unless you plan on keeping it for it's entire life. They are aggressive to other fish if you put them in first and are extremely difficult to get out. I would let your tank cycle and then plan on your stock list. The first thing to add would be a cleanup crew after your cycle is done. My cycle was good after a week. I added my cleanup crew and then let it cycle for 2 more weeks just to make sure of spikes. Then started adding fish slowly. This worked for me. HTH!
Have any more questions just ask.