Newbie stocking a 55g FOWLR


New Member
Hi all,
I'm a newbie here and to SW in general.
I'm setting up a FOWLR 55 gallon tank. I have two bags of live sand, plus 40lbs of live rock in there so far. It's cycling right now, with a piece of raw shrimp in there.
Once the cycling is completed I want to start adding a clean-up crew and fish at the appropriate times. In the meantime I'm doing a ton of reading and online research.
I'm a planner, so I'd like to go ahead and plan out the stocking.
So, as far as a clean-up crew, what should I get?
And when should I put it in? Do I add it all at once, or break it out into a few batches?
Are there any other invertebrates that I should consider getting?
I have two over-the-back filters, plus a Coralife Super Skimmer protein skimmer. Do I need to get more filters? If I do, will that allow me to safely keep more fish?
I've been researching fish, and I like the following fish, although I KNOW I can't have all of these, so please don't flame me. These are the fish that appeal to me, I don't intend on having them all in there, but I need help prioritizing them. I have no idea if some of these won't get along with others, or some require different paramaters than the others, etc.
Also, what order should I add them? And how frequently should I add them? One fish every couple of weeks? Or can I add one fish a week? Or even a few at a time?
Finally, just because I like these fish, doesn't mean I'm familar with all the fish available out there. If you have a suggestion that would go better than these, please speak up.
Here's my list:
-coral beauty angelfish x1
-blue/green reef chromis x3
-court jester goby x1
-purple firefish x1
-kaudern's cardinal x1
-ocellaris clownfish x2 (pair)
-six line wrasse x1
-spotted cardinalfish x3
-yellow watchman goby x1
Because I'm new to SW, I'm trying to get fish that are fairly hardy and easy to keep. I'd also like a peaceful tank, so I tried to choose fish which are peaceful. I really like the clown fish, and the anglefish, those are probably my favorite in this list, but I'm not set on anything right now.
Finally, I have young children (18 month old triplets), which is my main reason for setting up the tank. I'd like fish that are fairly easy to see, brightly colored, and fun to watch. I don't mind if the fish are "common" and uninteresting to people who really know SW. I just want a pretty tank that's eye-catching, relatively easy to maintain, and fun to watch.
Thanks so much!


for a cleanup crew i would do hermit crabs and astrea snails you can pretty much pick whatever hermit crab you want thats basic if you want more of a cleanup crew there is way more i just dont know if you want more and for as all the fish, with all the filtration you have you should be able to get all of them there all peaceful fish as the order i dont think it really matters except i would put the sixline wrasse last.
i would recommend putting the clowns in first, i did em after a group of damsels and they got chomped up......
but anyway, i agree, put in the coral beauty and then the sixline to finish it up. in my experience, i've been able to add a fish every month or so sucessfully, so you might want to be slow at first, and once you get a little knowledge about your individual species(their personalities, temperments, etc.), you can decide which ones and when to put new fish in. overall, i suggest keeping up your research, maybe buying a book at a LFS, but good luck on the tank. welcome to SW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Here is a few more for the clean up crew that has been working well for me. As far as the sand goes, try a Diamond Back Goby or Banded Serpent Star. They will turn up the sand pretty well and keep it white. An Emerald crab will dine on any Hair Algae that may grow among your Live Rock. Also, a few Turbo Snails will help with any glass growth that may occur. Good Luck and enjoy!


Active Member
I dont reall see too much problem with your list except the cardinals. I would stick to one species, and then try for a pair. two males will fight.
I would look closely at the court jester. I could never get mine to eat.
maybe drop the three chromis, I and most start off with three, and end up with one. they pick each other off.
so here is the list I would do
sixline second to the last
pair of cardinals
firefish gobie
yellow watchman
maybe add a pair of neon gobies or clown gobies
also I would add one or two if a pair every couple of weeks. also, dont forget to qt any new fish.
so you could set up qt, add pair of clowns, then in two weeks if they are fine, add them to your display and add your next fish to qt, then in two weeks if that fish is fine add to display and add next fish to qt ect ect.