newbie tank set-up help


New Member
I have had freshwater tanks and now want to set-up a 55G saltwater tank. My new tank came with a Tetra Aqua-tech 30-60 filter. Is this sufficient for a SW tank? I have been trying to learn more about SW tanks but everybody types in code. I have learned that SW is saltwater and HOT is hang on tank but that is all the code I understand so please type your replies in complete english and please avoid using letters that are supposed to have meanings more than plainly known. Thanks
:notsure: :help:


Active Member
I think the filter is fine, if it has a bio wheel then take that out.
What you will really want is LR(live rock) that will filter your water.
You will need to get a skimmer and some PH(power heads)


Active Member
i dont think that filter will work but i could be wrong on my 55 reef i have an empere 400, works really well but are kind of pricy when your used to shoping at walmart for your fish supplys
here are some more short cut wording
fowlr= fish only with live rock
bta= bubble tip anemone ( spelling?)
sfe= snowflake eel
and im haveing a brain fart and cant think of any others


Active Member
You should read a book if your trying to learn, it's the best way to get information compacted into 1 nice location. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist or The New Marine Aquarium are both good books.
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
You should read a book if your trying to learn, it's the best way to get information compacted into 1 nice location. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist or The New Marine Aquarium are both good books.
yeah the conscientious marine is a good book. i mean i learned the hard way listening to others. I'm using an emperor 400 on a 75 gal tank. i have a wet/dry under the tank but its not even connected. u can find the book pretty cheap used on