"Newbie" tank set-up help


New Member
Okay so I feel kinda like an idiot asking this question as I've been setting up tanks off and on (more off than on) for the past 10 years. When I first started setting up tanks the technology and knowledge base of most people was very low on things. So on to my question:
I am planning on starting a 144g half circle tank that I want to turn into a reef tank in the upcoming year or so. This will be the biggest tank I've set up and a different set-up than I've ever done. My question(s) is what kind of filtration would you all reccommend? I've been looking at the Rapids Pro PS 4 Wet and Dry that comes with a skimmer. Is this a good filter, what I'm looking for.
Also, the refugium has been an increasing hot topic that I have to admit I do not know much about. If I use the filter above, or any filter system for that matter, would a fuge be beneficial/needed? If so, does anyone have suggestions of a good fuge to get/build.
I want to take my time with this and research in great detail. My goal is to have a system that my family can enjoy and not do too much to while I deploy for 6-months at a time with the Navy. I appreciate any help I get and have enjoyed everyone's post that I have read so far. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I got a cannister filter, wish I would have done a sump/refugium. I'm not familiar with the rapids pro. Having a refug allows you to do so much - you can put little critters down in it that aren't reef safe - like certain stars, urchins, etc. Plus, they are just so beneficial. I tried to put my macro algae in my DT, and my tang ate it all. It would have obviously lived in a refug. I definitely will be doing it eventually.... I recommend going with the refug....