Newbie with 24 gal Aquapod


Hey everyone! I bought an Aquapod 24 gal yesterday. So far I have live sand, water, and a 2.5 lb live rock (getting much more this weekend.) Anyway, is there anything in the stock system I need to change, add, or replace? I am new to salt water tanks, but I am doing my research and want to make sure I do everything right! I don't have a heater, but I live in south florida. I keep the room around 73-75 during the day while I'm gone, but I bring it down to around 70 when I get home. Will this be a problem for the tank? I heard this tank only has 1 fan, and I should point another one on it. Should I go ahead and do that? Does that really do anything? Also, what brand/type of thermometer should I get? Thanks in advance for any info! :)


First of all welcome to the world of saltwater. You will be amazed at how much you will learn from this site and others like it.
I am not 100% sure about the aquapods, I have a 24 Nanocube. Having said that, I would get a heater. If nothing else it will help you to stabilize temperature in your tank. I removed everything from the rear compartments of my cube. All I have back there is a bag of crabon , changed every other week, a small sponge, and my heater. I upgraded the pump as well. Again, I am not sure about the aquapod, but the Nanocube's pump did not have enough flow for me. I installed a maxijet1200.
Good Luck and above all else, BE PATIENT!!!


The temp in the tank is 88 during the day, and 84 at night. I dont think I need a heater! What is a good chiller I could use? Thanks for the info!!


in my opinion your temperature if too high....i know we discussed temperatures in another forum where i heard many of the knowledgable members kept their reef tanks up to 85 but that was the highest i had heard.....and i really can't imagine you having to keep a chiller on a nano.....especially with stock lighting......
do you keep the tank near any direct sunlight?
and once you do get the temperature down then you will want a heater to stabilize the temperature...


Its a new tank, and its not near any window or direct sunlight. I heard the AquaPods only have 1 fan, and they are prone to getting too warm. I am going to set up a fan or two on the wall behind the tank, blowing directly on it, to see if that will help. I do plan on modifying the hood to take a MH light, so I may need a chiller for that, maybe? I will get that in two weeks when I get paid again.
but I forgot to say that I dont keep the tank that hot on purpose!! I hope to have the temps down this weekend.


Would it be possible to get a single ployp of that zoo with green skirt and purple inside? I'd pay well for it plus all the costs to get it shipped overnight to Kenosha, WI.


I've got a 24 Aquapod as well, look it up in my posts, Nudilove's Tank Diary.
I got a Pacific Coast Imports Chiller/Heater that works great, you will need to drill the back of the hood to plumb it, that was a pain, but not so bad.
In mine I run a 'Poly Filter' that slips right in the back and removes phosphates, organics, ammonia and heavy metals as well so I dont have to worry about RO/DI water. I also run carbon in the back.
Dont bother with the nano skimmers, just be diligent about your filter pads.
And also, get another power head, I've hidden mine in the rocks at the middle of the tank and have it blowing straight out for added flow.


Thanks everyone! My tank is doing great now! I added my first fish this past weekend, and he's doing well! Very active, loves to eat, I love him! I think I have enough water movement...I have some anthelia hitchhikers and they blow around pretty well, and they are in the bottom right corner, and the place where the water comes out is the top left. I ended up buying a new window AC unit for my room, so the tank stays between 78-80 degrees, its perfect! I keep it at 73 while I'm gone during the day, and bump it up to 75-76 at night so the tank doesnt get too cold (never thought I'd have that problem!) Nudilove, where did you get the Poly filter/what brand is it? That would be nice to have, not have to worry about all of that! if you cant post it, can you email me the info? Thanks soooo much!!


The POLY-FILTER is for filtering and purifying both fresh and salt water aquariums. It is a formulation of a special patented material bonded to a synthetic matrix. By means of a unique proprietary process, the POLY-FILTER is made impervious to salt and is also organic loving to certain materials. It can absorb and adsorb contaminants and other toxic materials found in nature or added to fresh and salt water with or without fish and invertebrates. Medication added to fresh and salt water aquariums for treatment of diseased fish will automatically be removed by the POLY-FILTER after serving their intended purpose before the medication can produce a toxic effect on the fish.
The POLY-FILTER is non-toxic and harmless to biological filtration because it allows a sufficient amount of ammonia to reach the biological filter in order to sustain the bacteria culture. The POLY-FILTER provides a supplemental means for removal of ammonia when the biological filter is unable to break down the excess ammonia and its concentration increases rapidly. Then the POLY-FILTER adsorbs the excess ammonia while the biological filter readjusts to higher ammonia input levels. Changes color when exhausted. 4" x 8".
AIM: Me sometime and I'll send you the website where I order mine from, SWF doesnt carry them and I dont want to tick anyone off.
AIM: Rhyfelmarch