Newbie with lots of questions


New Member
Hello everyone, I am glad I found these boards. We have a Oceanic Bio Cube 8g that has been running now for about 3 weeks. We have live sand & about 8 pounds of live rock.I also purchased the salt water . We also have 2 anemones 1 clown and 3 damsels, 3 small hermits, 2 snails. I have a question on the anemones what do we feed them & how? I have seen the lady at the fish store feeding them with a large siringe. Should I add more to my clean up crew? I was thinking of adding a brittle star. The tank is doing very well, we do have a mild outbreak of red algae, but I can see that it is starting to clear up. any feedback or help would be greatly appreciated. I will try to post some pics :happyfish


Active Member
Yikes, your tank is quite stocked! At this point, you need to do everything you can to prevent the levels from spiking. Do not add anything for quite a while, especially something that gets huge and potentially aggressive like a brittle starfish.
Do you own a test kit? How are your water readings of pH, kH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and specific gravity?
What kinds of anemones do you have? Do you have any meaty frozen foods such as krill, squid, shrimp, or prawn? These are what the anemone will need to eat.


New Member

here is a pic of my tank. we did have the water tested last week & they said it was good. I will be purchasing my own test kit this weekend. I do have frozen brine shrimp to feed them. What is the ideal temperature also, right now it is about 80-83 degrees. I have always done freshwater tanks with lots of sucess, this is our first saltwater tank. And it is very hard to be patient!!LOL. We don't plan on adding anymore fish. We really need something to clean up some of the fish poop on the bottom.


Active Member
80-83 is a bit warm...I prefer 77.
Don't add anymore fish/inverts.
I think you're damsels will start picking on each other since they are all different....damsels can get mean.
Looks good though.


Active Member
The temperature should be about 77-81. You need to keep it stable though.
Frozen brine shrimp is not all that nutritious. I would pick up some other frozen foods like frozen mysis shrimp, kelp, clam, mussel, etc.