Just popped into the message boards for the 1st time and seems like theres a pretty nice crowd here so I decided to intoduce myself instead of lurking.
My name is Rob, I'm 32 and I live in RI. I have been active with aquariums for about 3-4 years now. I have a 90 gal Af Cichlid tank running with Frontosa I am trying to breed. I also have a 20h with community fish in it. I decided to try salt a few months back and kept loosing fish and was just about to give up when I read about reef tanks and how they really arent hard to keep once they are done correctly. Here's what I have so far.
I had a 20h that was fish only for about 4-5 months. Nitrate never went below 40ppm
. I set up our 37gal (30"x12"x24?") as a reef. I put 20lbs of coral substrate (1-2mm) including the material that was in the 20h. I also put in about 5 lbs of live sand and about 10 lbs of playsand. There is currently about 10 lbs of LR in the tank as well. I am running a Marineland Magnum250 filter and a cheap venturi skimmer good for up 60gal tanks. I also have a pair of 175 gph power heads. Living in the tank now are inverts currently. 1 coral banded, 1 cleaner shrimp, an emerald crab, a sally lightfoot, about 12 bluelegs, 25 turbos. Nitrates have finally dropped to about 20ppm and I'm hoping they continue to drop. I will be adding more live sand a lb or 2 at a time till I get to about 3-4", i currently have about 2".
My current goal is to setup a fore-reef Caribbean tank as my live rock is already from the Carb. I have been reading Natural Reef Aquariums by John H. Tullock and learned alot from that. My next addition to the tank will be a Royal Gramma or 2. I hope to pick one up tonight actually.
I guess if I have a question I'd like to post it would be what is a good choice of anemone for a pair of percula clowns that is also from the Caribbean?
Thanks and I look forward to talking to many of you.
Rob Beatty
Rhode Island
My name is Rob, I'm 32 and I live in RI. I have been active with aquariums for about 3-4 years now. I have a 90 gal Af Cichlid tank running with Frontosa I am trying to breed. I also have a 20h with community fish in it. I decided to try salt a few months back and kept loosing fish and was just about to give up when I read about reef tanks and how they really arent hard to keep once they are done correctly. Here's what I have so far.
I had a 20h that was fish only for about 4-5 months. Nitrate never went below 40ppm
My current goal is to setup a fore-reef Caribbean tank as my live rock is already from the Carb. I have been reading Natural Reef Aquariums by John H. Tullock and learned alot from that. My next addition to the tank will be a Royal Gramma or 2. I hope to pick one up tonight actually.
I guess if I have a question I'd like to post it would be what is a good choice of anemone for a pair of percula clowns that is also from the Caribbean?
Thanks and I look forward to talking to many of you.
Rob Beatty
Rhode Island