

New Member
Hello new to this hobbie and got hooked very quick.Also did everything wrong til I found this site.I have a 29gal with lr cc/undergravel filter I know wrong move but lfs dead against LS. Also found out the fish I want will need a larger tank.So I plan to do a 90 or 125 but do it wright! My main fish is going to be a dogfaced puffer.Any suggestions on tank size,equip,ls or cc. Also this is going to be fowlr tank. Thank you


Active Member
get the biggest tank possible. light is ur choice since fish only. equipment, either sump, hob, or canister is fine. live sand w rocks i feel is a must. invest in a good test kit.


New Member
In your opinon is the sump the best? Just starting to research them.Because I am going to take my time and do this tank the wright way this time.