max tharpe
New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank with a skilter 400 and a whisper 30-60 and two turbo heads on underground filter and it has been setup since feb 1,2002, lighting is 4 each 40 watts flourescents, one each 50/50 and one 10k and 2 each 5600k plant bulbs from phillips am having trouble with hair algae and green slime algae! i have 2 blue damsels, 1 snowflake eel, 1 pygmy angel, 3 blue hermits and 4 turbo snails...I have killed 4 or 5 anemones of different types and 2 black sea substrate is florida crushed coral, with approx 50lbs homemade aggracrete base rock and 25 to 30lbs of florida live on the rock is some feather duster looking worms, 4 or 5 mushroom polyps and what i think is bubble algae or coral which is green or gray and when it explodes it makes many more smaller versions of itself, looks like little balls.... i want to make a dsb in with the crushed coral, should i just mix my playsand in with the crushed coral or what? and would i be better off with a sump or wet/dry..I dont have the equipment to check the phosphates ,silicates or calcium level...using mydor reef and marine supplement#7 sparingly, 2 capfulls a week...also lost my percula clown....tired of wasting money and killing livestock....please help will try and get some pictures to send....PS the standard water parems are fine except when something dies off...would like to info on what type corals i could try and fairly inexpensive sources for coral...LOVE this hobby but getting disheartened quickly! TNX