

New Member
Hello all. My wife and I are interested in starting a marine aquarium, but have no idea where to begin. The LFS's around here are very limited and discouraging. I picked up a "marine aquariums for dummies" book and am a little intimidated.
By way of background, my wife and I are both physcians and think we'll be OK with testing and monitoring--having had lots of organic chemistry in the past. We actually started with aquatic animals with freshwater turtles that we adopted. They were a huge mess, and we no longer have them. We thought of converting their 20 gallon tank to marine--but have learned that that's prob. too small.
We hate to bug you all with very basic stuff, but how to start (for absolute beginners) or referring us to where we can get info would be appreciated tremendously.
Thanks in advance.


Welcome to the Board. Don't worry this place can answer all of your questions. Most questions you have can be answered by someone on this board. Check out this website for some basic information. Click Here
Also try to pick up the book The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner. It is an excellent book.


Active Member
Hello and welcome to SWF!!!
These are a few things i would do to make sure you have a healthy tank.
In order,
Buy a book on marine aquariums.
Research what kind of tank you want, Fish only, Reef, etc...
Research what kind of tank you want to buy. The bigger the better.
Find out what kind of lighting fixture you will need, For a reef tank you need a proper amount of lighting for the type of corals you will keep. For a Fish only you just need some regular flourescents.
Purchase all needed equipment. You will need, a tank, a protein skimmer, a nice filtration system (i would reccomend a nice wet dry system), proper substrate (sand is recommended seeded with Live sand) Salt for mixing, Lots of water (tap water is bad!!) Water test kits (nitrit, Nitrate, Ammonia, Ph, DKh, calcium, iodine) and Live rock.
Set up the tank in the proper method.
Let it run for a good 4 weeks to complete its cycle.
To introduce bacteria into the tank to produe ammonia, use a few pieces of ocktail shrimp. Throw them in and let them rot.
While the cycle is copmleting (4 weeks or so when ammonia and nitrates are at 0) research all things you can about this hobby.
Make sure you are ready to spend money! LOL
The biggest problem in this hobby is rushing into it.
So research thouroughly.
Good luck and i hope this can provide some help for what you need.


New Member
Thanks guys. I guess there is no limit to the amount spent, but for a basic set-up, what is a reasonable cost estimate?
What is the smallest reasonable size for a FO or FOWLR type setup?


Active Member
for a FOWLR i would go with a 55 gallon minimum. The larger the tank is, the easier it is to control water parameters and fix mistakes.


Active Member
Look at tank sizes 46 bowfront, 58gal, 65gal, 75gal, or 90 gal.
The 55gal which many people start with is just not wide enough for LR. I just ordered a 58RR (I pick it up tomorrow!) and I love the dimensions (36x18x20).


Active Member
We have had a "simple" tank established now for about 2 years and we would have nothing without this board. We did everything in the time needed. can't rush into. Even making decisions about the fish is research. The fish I wanted in the beginning are not the fish I have now. But size, compatability etc is the rule. No question is stupid or dumb, I am right now in the middle of thinking/researching reef and I am :eek: Just surf through the forums and threads, MANY experienced and nice people here. They all say the only dumb question is the one not asked ;)


Active Member
I forgot the mention the book/bible we use. Marine Fishes
by Scott w. Michael. I actually take this with me to our LFS if we are in the market for something. It has beautiful picutures and simple explainatations/requirements/compatibility etc.


if u are only going to have fish the cost is going to be about $30-$50 per gallon(the bigger the aquarium the more money). And i would get live rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!also aquariums with out it look pretty ugly in my oppinion. i would go with a 55 gallon its the perfect size. Also think about having reef safe fish in ur FO system in case u want to upgrade to a reef cause i think reefs are a lot more fun!

shimmy yaz

New Member

Originally posted by stumpdog
Welcome to the Board. Don't worry this place can answer all of your questions. Most questions you have can be answered by someone on this board. Check out this website for some basic information. Click Here
Also try to pick up the book The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner. It is an excellent book.

Hey thanks man I am still in the process of deciding to setup a tank and this site is really helpful.