#1 Asterina starfish (some peeps like them... some don't)
#2 Could be an appy? Could be a feather duster? I'm going to go with a faded appy because of the width of the base.
#3 Colonial hydroids. They sting... typically not a wanted hitchhiker.
#4 Feather duster... harmless. I love the mini red ones.
I was hoping it stood for something different.
So here r two pics. Is the 1st a feather duster and the 2nd aiptasia?
I think I have mostly fans but I think the 2nd pic is appy...
I'll plan on a peppermint shrimp for the appy
Any suggestions for getting rid of Colonial hydroids. Will it hurt my fish?
Yup feather
yup appy
Most people like to get rid of them. They do sting. If the rock can be easily removed, take them out and burn them. Cover them with epoxy putty if not, IMO, if you were looking to get rid of them.