newer pics of my tank, copy and paste

ric maniac

Active Member
wow! i love how it is painted white, you dont see that very often. and very cool gorgonian are they hard to keep?


Nice Pics, I see that you have the greatest fish lovers of all, CATS, do your cats hang out at the tank drooling over your fish?


Originally Posted by cyclops
Nice Pics, I see that you have the greatest fish lovers of all, CATS, do your cats hang out at the tank drooling over your fish?
No Comment! LOL I'll be nice.
Tank looks great! I love the white stand and hood.


i would really love to have xenia over grown in my tank, I love the way that it looks and i hope to get some more frags from people to help it all come together better :) thanks so much for the nice words, i have worked really hard on my tank and I all my family makes fun of me because its all I talk about at times :) I love my cats and the weird thing is that they got so used to the fish I think they think its just like the t.v or something, they dont realize its something real behind there lol :)
I do need to get a really good camera, some people on here have such great pictures from there camera, my pics make my tank look kinda dirty and different looking, any good ones that are under 300?


Originally Posted by ghola5
i would really love to have xenia over grown in my tank, I love the way that it looks and i hope to get some more frags from people to help it all come together better :) thanks so much for the nice words, i have worked really hard on my tank and I all my family makes fun of me because its all I talk about at times :) I love my cats and the weird thing is that they got so used to the fish I think they think its just like the t.v or something, they dont realize its something real behind there lol :)
I do need to get a really good camera, some people on here have such great pictures from there camera, my pics make my tank look kinda dirty and different looking, any good ones that are under 300?
I wouldn't take them long! My Xenia's are growing like wild weeds. They are fun to watch when they attach to another rock and separate into 2 heads.


yea that good to know :) I just love the over grown look of corals in tanks, it looks so natural and pretty, and thanks for the advice on the camera I will really look into it.