well he was free from my LFS, they had him in a 55 gallon tank and the guy said he wasnt goin to make it, so i said ill take him off ur hands and he was like ok if u wanna watch it die b my guest, i felt so bad for this fish he was in a tank full of triggers, so i took him home and put him in a hospital tank, after 2 weeks i put him in my display and he is happy as hell. hes been in the tank for about 2 months already
hes cool wit a lot of personallity. hes kinda aggressive towards others but the others no not to bother him. he eats a lot, anything i give him he eats, pellets, frozen brine and silver sides. but he really loves lettuce on a clip. hes really cool and if u want color to ur tank hes the fish u want, but mayb get a smaller guy than me cause hes aggresive towards smaller guys