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Ok. Christmas is coming up and the money is about to come in from the relatives (Im only 17 so it still happens
). My tank is a 24 gallon nano with 32 watts 50/50 PC and 32 watts 50/50 Actinic. Im going to be getting more LR and was thinking of maybe getting something new. In your opinion, what would do good under these conditions.
The stock list as of now is:
1 Diamond Goby
1 Cleaner Shrimp
3 Small frags of Green Palys (each about 2 adult polyps with 4-5 new growths coming in)
1 Small frag of Brownish Palys
1 GSP rock
A nice colony of Sun Coral
1 Ricordea and other various mushrooms.
Once I get the new LR Ill have room for it all to grow nicely and not fight each other for a while. So give me some advice! Thanks in advance. Budget is about 50$ or so.


Active Member
I agree some super colored zoa's dont get the regular ones search online and find some really exotic ones even if they only give you 2 or 3 polyps it will be worth it.


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Now that my goby just died, Im thinking this purchase will be moer in the direction of a fish. No gobies or burrowing fish, Ive had my fill of those. What would do nicely in a 24 gallon like mine and is colorful? Coral recommendations are also really appreciated, if its something really nice that I hadnt thought of I would ditch the fish and get that. I have a vague scheme in my head of maybe buying a MH fixture in the future and just sticking to a 1 fish kind of tank with nice corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Now that my goby just died, Im thinking this purchase will be moer in the direction of a fish. No gobies or burrowing fish, Ive had my fill of those. What would do nicely in a 24 gallon like mine and is colorful? Coral recommendations are also really appreciated, if its something really nice that I hadnt thought of I would ditch the fish and get that. I have a vague scheme in my head of maybe buying a MH fixture in the future and just sticking to a 1 fish kind of tank with nice corals.
Black and White Saddle Back Clown, Midas Blenny or a Oynx Perc 3 of my favorite fish.


Active Member
I have an Orchid Dottyback, A Yashia Shrimp Goby, and 2 True Percula Clowns in my 24 gallon. And i believe the Orchid Dottyback is the most intriguing fish of all of them. The Goby stays hidden under a rock all day long with the pistol shrimp and i dont see it well after lights have went out. The Orchid Dottyback is very colorful and eats pods off the glass and a really active fish. got mine for 32 or 38 dollars so it'd leave you with enough to maybe buy a frag of zoos also. Just my opinion.


Active Member
Thanks guys. The orchid dottyback is the same as the frimandi right? I saw one in a friends reef tonight and its a very colorful fish and really active. I wanted to get a midas blenny but my LFS was all out.
My friend came up with the idea of having a school of chromis, and in another thread, a user said a school of 4+ chromis would work, and they wouldnt try to murder each other like some other damsels would. Would a small school of 5 or so work out? I just dont want to end up with like 2 left after a few months.


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Originally Posted by PerfectDark
IMO its too many in a tank your size.. 24 gal cube right?
Yessir. I was worried it would be. Any idea how many fish would be needed for a small schooling scenario? I thought maybe 3 but then it just might not even be worth it and just to keep trying my luck with clowns, despite its about 15$ a pop here.


Active Member
Today I went down to the LFS to take a look and see if they had anything new. I saw a maroon clown which had been there for at least 2 weeks by itself (like in its own cubicle for the whole time). No signs of disease, and it was so pretty. Ended up getting him and now hes swimming all around the tank getting his territory set up.
I didnt notice until just now a few hours later. Im going back tomorrow and trading those 4 shells for a zoo colony.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Today I went down to the LFS to take a look and see if they had anything new. I saw a maroon clown which had been there for at least 2 weeks by itself (like in its own cubicle for the whole time). No signs of disease, and it was so pretty. Ended up getting him and now hes swimming all around the tank getting his territory set up.
I didnt notice until just now a few hours later. Im going back tomorrow and trading those 4 shells for a zoo colony.
Let me know if you ever need any type of invert or hermits. I can buy them at nearly wholesale from a friend


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Originally Posted by coraljunky
Let me know if you ever need any type of invert or hermits. I can buy them at nearly wholesale from a friend

Thanks. I cant get over the shells though. Theres one basket with shells that are super tiny, 4 for a dollar. Then theres this basket. 4 for 20$ is not what I planned to spend!!!!! AHHH


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Thanks. I cant get over the shells though. Theres one basket with shells that are super tiny, 4 for a dollar. Then theres this basket. 4 for 20$ is not what I planned to spend!!!!! AHHH

$5/shell????? Why?????


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
$5/shell????? Why?????
Well to be quite honest, I dont know. The receipt refers to them as "decorative shells." Nothing more than what I would find on the beach. I bought my maroon clown and some LR so I expected the bill to be kind of high, but this much for 4 shells is absolutely ridiculous.
Really shows what kind of LFS Im dealing with.