Next fish in your opinion...


Ok i got a 45 gallon with a porc puffer, a maroon clown, niger trigger, cleaner wrasse and a copperband butterfly. All are small, and i just got rid of a Huma Trigger and Domino damsel to make room for one more less aggressive inhabitant. Ill upgrade when i have to i have a 55 in the garage, so dont gimme the too much for one tank stuff please. I was also thinking somewhere in the 30 or less range, so no Emp angels or Black tangs...though they would be nice. A sailfin or hippo tang maybe? Help me out ya'll. By the way, dig the new format. :p :) :D ;)


I still think you may have to many fish for even the 55gal. If you plan on keeping all fish until adult hood you would be giving each fish less then 2gals per inch of fish in a 55gal. Sounds like the fish you have in there now are a good selection, no need to add more. Just my opinoin.


Active Member
I tend to agree with Goofieones, even with getting rid of two fish your tank is about maxed out, maybe something small like a royal gramma. Sorry I know thats not what you wanted to hear but upgrading to a 55 would be almost no difference.


Sorry, but I have to agree with the above 2 posts. Even for the 55gl that is enough fish. The niger trigger alone gets big enough to fill a 55gl when full grown. They need a lot of room. Sorry!


Your tank is too small for a Trigger and Sailfin tang will need 135 gal. minimum as they mature.
Seems like you just got alot of "your tnks too small" :) Upgrading from a 45 to a 55 is hardly worth the effort. There isn't that much more room. And these fish certainly won't be all that more comfortable in 10 extra gallons of water. So sorry this is not what you wanted to hear.
Sorry to say But I also agree with the above posts. Your tank is to small for all those fish. I my self just had to get rid of a red volitan Lion fish which was my favorite fish. Room is a key factor and I want my fish to thrive. I have a yellow tank coral beauty,powder blue tang, and 2 clowns and I think that may be it for now until I get a bigger tank. Good luck.. :eek:


cant get away from that stuff can i. let me clear something up, i am fully aware what my fish need t survive. Thats why i plan on splitting the fish up when they get too big! 3 in the 45. 4 in the 55. Man you guys dont quit with that stuff. Even after i asked you not to. Oh well, i understand, best interest of the fish. So ANYWAY anyone else like to chime in with a REAL opinion. Some of us cant afford 200 gallon tanks and have to make due. So i think splitting them up will be fine when they grow. Also, when your fish gets too big for your tank many people trade it back into the store and get credit for a smaller fish. Im kind of offended. Im not retarded, i've already been through the rookie mistakes all i want to know is your opinions on fish. Next time ill lie and say i have a 3000 gallon tank so you guys will actually answer my question. Sheesh. Sorry if my tone has offended anyone. I had a bad day at work... :(
I personally would just stick with the fish you already have. I'm not trying to lecture you or anything but the tank that isn't stocked to the top is usually the one that looks the best. Hope i helped.


Then I don't understand the purpose of your post. If you have already decided upon a course of action that you know people won't agree with, why ask the question only to get answers that you specifically stated you didn't want to hear.
I respectfully suggest that if you have to make do with what you have than you can't have every fish you see in the store.
I would love to have some of the larger angel fish, but I neither have the tank nor the space to put a tank that would support them. So, I do without.
[ April 22, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]
[ April 22, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]


Active Member
c'mon guys give the man some slakc. if you put the non agressive fish in the 45 and the more agressive ones in the 55 you will be pushing it but it might work out. just make sure you have good filtration and everytinhg for your agressive fish. a porc puffer and niger in the 55 will be ok. just no more fish in there at all! the wrasse, butterfly, and clown in the 45 wil be fine. just watch your tanks really good and stay on top of everything so no crashes or anything. i have seen and hear of tanks much worse than this, so dont get down with yourself. have fun, and remeber dont add anymore fish! later, bo


Does no one turn in their fish when they get too big? Man, why has this thread, which is started with the most innocent intentions, turned into a slam on my fishkeeping skills. Its not like i have a yellow tang in a ten gallon tank. My LFS welcomes fish getting turned in especially when its due to size, the bigger the fish, the more they can charge. Can't we assume for a second im not an idiot, and answer the dag blammed question. I really think there are a lot of elitists on this board who think they are Protector of The Fishies. To stoop so low as to call me stupid in a post is amazing to me, and id like to retort, but the moderators may shut down the thread. Its also really redundant for 15 people to tell me the same thing. Maybe i can understand 5, that i get, it drives it in. But not one person has actually posted a fish. Whats that all about. And who says im never gonna upgrade to a bigger tank. I started with a 12 gallon so i can forsee a 125 in my near future. Get off your high horse, and dont call me stupid. :mad:


Ok, sorry. I just realized SLK had that as his signature, so i guess it wasnt personal. I apologize, although im sure you can see why i offended. Especially at the end of the post and all. Although i still think that many of you are on your soapboxes with this space stuff. After one person has chimed in about the space problem it should be safe to assume the point was taken and time to move on. And thanks for the support grouperhead, although you still didnt name a fish :( :( :(


Hello Triggerfool....I am far from an expert and I don't pretend to know two cents on this subject is this...I understand to what everyone says about "too many fish for tank size", however If it works and you don't have any problems with water conditions, how can anyone say it is too many? There is always an exception to every rule. If your little fishies are happy and you want to add one more friend, who is to say you can't? You have stated that you have "been there done that" and obviously know what you are I say go for it? the only thing is I, unfortunatley, don't have a clue as to what to get next. What did you have in mind???
I hope you had a better day and good luck!! ;)
i would add a whitetailed trigger in the 55. and do what you know is right. but i have had sucess with a bursa trigger a3 purc. clowns and a yellow tang in a 40 so take that all you people makein this guy fell like garbage and who says he cant do that its his tank so back off the man. OK?


LionFish says.....
Aright lets col the jets here Whitetailed. Not only do I believe that the tank is too small for all those fish but it isn't nearly big enough to hold them all until they get to adulthood. As long as you have a much larger tank by the time they stat getting too big it is no problem. If you have a 125 laying out in the garage it would be really nice. If you plan on getting a large tanl like the one I just mentioned then I would recommend a sailfin tang or a goatfish. They are pretty cool little fish.


If you are going to ask questions like this be prepared to get answers you don't like. The tank is too small for the fish he wants to keep in it. Period. Now he can do what he pleases, it's his tank, his money and he has no one to answer to but himself. It's a free country. I can walk into a fish store and buy a 10 foot nurse shark if I want and there are no fish police to come and arrest me for fish abuse.
We all see posts like this all the time. Just one more fish please and you want everyone to pat you on the head and it's alright go ahead. Ain't gonna happen.
Sorry, Trigger, I don't mean to pick on you specifically. But I think you already knew what kind of answers you were going to get when you posted your question. You had to know not everyone was going to agree that one more fish would be ok.
Now you have people telling you no and people telling you go ahead. It's up to you. Do what you want. I wish you luck :)
(slk by the way is female :)


Some people comin to my defense. i feel all warm and tingly inside. Sorry about the gender mix up slk. I apologize. Your comment about the about the tank i have being too small for the fish, is wrong. Period. All my fish are juveniles or babies, and the 5 gallons per inch rule works just fine. I didnt say i was going to keep them all in this setup for their entire lives. I dont find dead fish too aesthetically pleasing. When they grow, ill upgrade. Its simple. And for what its worth i think im leaning towards a JUVENILE kole tang to take care of some of the algae build up, But im still open to suggestions.