Next fish suggestions


Hello, I have a 65 gallon w/ wet/dry and nature's ocean live sand. My decorations are covered in thick brownish/purplish algae that is very long. The tank has been established for about 4 months. I dont have any live rocks and the tank inhabitants are a 2" percula clown, a 1.5 domino damsel, and a .5 inch domino damsel. I want to add something nice but I don't really know what to add. Also, my salinity is a bit low, 1.017, but everything else is perfect. I was thinking of a dwarf angel, maybe a flame angel or a coral beauty. Would it be ok to add 2 fish or more? Thanks.


Those fish you mentioned sound fine, as long as those damsels don't have any aggression towards them. I would suggest when adding a new fish do some rearranging of your decorations so the damsels loose their "territory" and are less likely to attack the new fish. Wish you luck, the coral beauty is a very nice fish.... I've had mine close to a year now.


Active Member
yes, the cb will be fine, as far as any other fish, you will eventually be able to add some more smaller fish, but how many will depend on which ones, you really don't want to overstock, and this will partly depend on how big the fish will get to be


My lighting is just two flourescent bulbs. Coralife Daytime and Coralife Actinic, both 48". I leave the lights on probably about 10-12 hours per day. I have setup my tanks many times prior to this, but i have never gotten this type of algae before. I usually got the standard diatoms in the beginning and then that slimy green algae. But this time the brown algae is very thick, there are some patches of green, some patches of purplish/brown. I wish I had a digital camera so I could post it, but under the powerhead current the algae that is attached to the decorative corals look like sea anemone tentacles at times. I was just thinking of adding maybe 2 fish this time because of the damsels. I really want to get rid of them but they are so damned impossible to catch. Thanks.
[ December 29, 2001: Message edited by: MakoFury ]


The dwarf angels will not do good in a tank without live rock.Your water parameters are probably not too great,and that is probably why you have all of that algea,and dwarf angels need good water,so I would stay away from them if I were could try a wrasse,or maybe some kind of pseudochromis,like a fridmani.