next fish to add?!?!?!


Have a 55 gall reef tank, looking to add another fish. Leaning towards the flame angel at the moment looking for some other suggestions.
Right now I have:
Pink Skunk Clown
Royal Gramma
Blue-Yellow tail damsel
Yellow Tang ( im sure the tang police will not like this in a 55 gall, but too bad
Zoas, Mushrooms, Leather, hammerhead-stoney polyps
Peppermint Shrimp (1), Emerald (2), Cleaning crew (15-20)
Please help with suggestions for new livestock!!!


New Member
ok first of all i love how you dont care what people hink about the tang! thats great.
I dont really no what fish but i think you need a blue or purple fish to even out color
but that is just my opinion!


The damsel will attack the new fish that you want to put in your tank.
After you take out the yellow tang a pair of ocellaris clowns would look nice.
Another fish to think about would be a sixline wrasse, i love mine, constantly moving never stops.


without the yellow tang it's great
! Also (no personal offense to hayden) don't have people telling you that their glad you don't care about tang police, because, you will care a few months down the line when stress from your tang causes a ick outbreak. Other than that it looks great! what kind of of lights are you planning to have? Filters? Any other equipment?


I have a Power compact and two 50watt blue antic, hob w/sump... I do like the six line idea, always thought it was a good looking fish. ANy other ideas people?


Originally Posted by locofish
Get A Flame Angel ...............................very Good Choice
Flame angel is a great choice! maybe a coral beauty (not both, they'd fight each other). But be careful because with angels theres always a slight chance they might peck at corals although these 2 angelfish mentioned are the least likely.
EDIT: Do you plan on up-grading lights before you get corals?


Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
EDIT: Do you plan on up-grading lights before you get corals?

I figure with the PC (200 WATT) AND the two 50 watt blue antic lights, it should be enough? Havent had any issues yet with those......what do you think?


I think it'd be ok for softies adn lps but i don't know about sps(stonies). And are you sure that there 200watts? are they lights that came with the tank?
I am by no means the most knowledggeable so don't take what I said as the final answer.


I ordered it online a few years back on my old 55gal, and I cant remember how much it exactly is, but im pretty sure its at least 175-200, that thing is bright!!!!


Lose the Damsel, add a dwarf Angel. And do watch out for the Tang - it might get stressed out and get ich as it grows.


Originally Posted by mbnum2
Have a 55 gall reef tank, looking to add another fish. Leaning towards the flame angel at the moment looking for some other suggestions.
Right now I have:
Pink Skunk Clown
Royal Gramma
Blue-Yellow tail damsel
Yellow Tang ( im sure the tang police will not like this in a 55 gall, but too bad
Zoas, Mushrooms, Leather, hammerhead-stoney polyps
Peppermint Shrimp (1), Emerald (2), Cleaning crew (15-20)
Please help with suggestions for new livestock!!!
Making comments about the tang police just shows you are not ready for a s/w tank....for a 55 you def. need more clean up crew....since you have coral i wouldn't risk a flame angel.


thanks for your input, but your remarks show me that I really would rather not take any advice from you. Thanks


I agree maybe the damsel wouldn't be a good idea. Also have you checked out the reef packages from here? Also i really insist that you take the Yellow Tang back.


Originally Posted by mbnum2
thanks for your input, but your remarks show me that I really would rather not take any advice from you. Thanks
If you're going to ask questions you don't want to here the answer to, don't ask. Unlike you, many people here are concerned with the health of livestock and not just putting things in tanks because you can. When you have problems down the line don't post about it.


I keep forgetting that you are the "Tang Whisper" and can speak to their mind....Let me know when my yellow tang "whispers" to you and says he is unhappy. mmm k?
I have had the tang for 3-4 months and he is perfectly happy. Never misses a meal and swims back and forth all day long, a very personable fish.


Originally Posted by mbnum2
I keep forgetting that you are the "Tang Whisper" and can speak to their mind....Let me know when my yellow tang "whispers" to you and says he is unhappy. mmm k?
I have had the tang for 3-4 months and he is perfectly happy. Never misses a meal and swims back and forth all day long, a very personable fish.
So you know a fish is happy because he eats and maybe Eric Borneman should write a book on that. You mention he swims back and forth all day...that says it all...lemme ask you when was the last time you saw a yellow tang in the wild swimming back and forth in a 36" area? Come to think of it my dogs seem pretty happy in their kennels, they will eat, and wag their it cool if i make them live their lifes in them? You can make all the wise cracks about the tang police or me...ultimately you and the fish suffer, you will be out money, which i could care less about, and the fish will be dead. Its too bad that its owner couldn't have been a responsible reefkeeper.


uuuuhhhh. ok , while i don't agree with the ( i guess) slightly harsh fashion you told him , Tangwhipr is still right. you shouldn't keep a YT in a 55g