Next fish to add


New Member
New here and this is my first post. I have a 55 gallon fowlr which currently houses a camel shrimp , blue hermit crab , snails , 1 percula clown , 1 blue damsel and 1 yellowfin damsel. The tank is fully cycled and has been active for about 3 months now. I am ready to add new livestock and just wanted to inquire to get some ideas about what would be a good fish to add next. Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
What kind of fish do you like? Do you plan on ever making it reef? The damsels can be aggressive, is that what you are intersted in?
Choosing fish can be very hard. A dwarf angel might be nice. It would be easier for you to tell the board what you like and we can help you from there.
As someone once told me: "choosing fish is like choosing a spouse." everyone likes something a little different. lol


Have you thought about a mate for your perc. The change in mine after we added a male was really entertaining and now they are inseperable. Just make sure you add a male, the best way to make sure is at the fish store find a tank that has a couple of percs already together and get the smallest one. When you first put him in she will attack him but it won't last long. Just my thoughts.