Next Fish?


Well, now my tank is okay (before I had Ick and Mantis Shrimp at the same time!) I am not going to add anymore fish till I'm sure the ick parasite is gone. (5 weeks) But this is my question. I need a fish that is very hardy, doesn't get ick easily, will fit into a 24 gallon tank, reef safe, will get along with my agressive Six Line Wrasse and F. Percula Clown, and is colorful. Any thing I looked over? I am asking far in advance cuz I like to research the fish I buy first. Also, and info on Royal Blue urchins? Would they be fine with a Choclate Chip Star, a Featherduster, crabs, snails, etc?
Thanks :)


I would really like something that swims out in the open... Am I mistaken, or do royal grammas hide all the time?
Thanks for the idea!
Would 2 Chromis Work?
Any other thoughts? :)

nm reef

Active Member
Take a look at a pygmy angel....specifically a centropyge flavicauda...I've had one in my 55 fowlr/ls for several months now(I've seen very few others.....or even heard much about them) but this little guy has done very well and seems to get along with my 6-line/yellow tang/ it does move around a lot and is very colorful and full of personality.....stays small and likes a steady diet of algaes(plus eats most foods offered).....if this link works you can check out a pic of it
<a href="" target="_blank">pygmy angel</a>
I really like this guy and I would think it would do well in a smaller system that is mature and stable :cool: