me and my brother own a 55 gallon and we have 6 fish. ive been wondering what to get. we dont have any agressive fish so i dont want any agressive fish. below is a list of our livestock.
ive heard Yellow Tangs to be kinda hard fish to keep cuz they are vulnerable to ich easier than most fish, um 55 gallon is consider by some to be small for most types of tangs. i dont really know nothing about grammas so i cant comment on them
i was thinking of getting a gramma but we have a hawk fish and i dont know if the hawk will leave the gramma alone or be mean to him
i some heard tangs are agressive though
ok Matt
Halks are generally peacefull towards other fish, and any dwarf angle should be fine.
but remember, to get angles you should have great water quality!
angels need to be in more matured tanks 6months and up, and if its mature i'd get a flame angel, and i would get a lawnmower blenny, doesnt look taht great but its a fun fish to have
Does he still attack it ??? NOPE
and he attacked it when it first came in the tank because maby he thought it was food
Also, all the blenies i have heard of are tropical warm water!