Next-least aggressive Clownfish


Active Member
Ok, I'm pretty much operating under the assumption that percs and ocels are the least aggressive clowns. They're also the smallest.
After those 2 species, what would you guys consider to be the next-least aggressive clownfish? (Let's say full grown, b/c a 6" Maroon is a lot more aggressive than a 2" juvi)


Active Member
That was my thought too, but I wanted to poll the audience.
Skunks appear to be the second-smallest, I've never heard complaints, and let's face it, with those colors, they look wimpy.
My pink skunks are more peaceful than my ocellaris. The ocellaris can be evil little things.. my ocellaris will bite you if you put your hand in their 120 gallon tank. The pink skunks will just hide in their anemone and wait till you are gone.