Next Q about LR


I got my fisrt peice of LR. It was precured and I got some advice from the board on it. Then I was reading another thread about LR and LS. I have 30 LBS of LS with my southdown, but my question is about the critters you all talk about. With my LS and new LR, what are the odds that my LR has the beneficial critters I need in it?


Active Member
Precured for how long? What system did it come from? How much of a piece? 20lbs of rock from a system a year or more old will net you ALOT of things usually. There are no standards but sometimes the life can take a few months to take off. It took about 6 months for me to really start noticing pods in my 12 gallon. I have different things in my 20. I have some very well cured rock now though.... Only way to tell is at night. Wait about an hour after the lights go out and the tank is in a dark room and then come in with a flashlight. You'll see what you got usually. You'll find things for months to come as well.


Thanks for your info. Its hard to say, I got it at the LFS. They were tearing down their "small" reef tank to make an aggressive tank, I say small, compared to their other reef tank, but the small one was 275 gallons. They packaged it in water, so nothing would die off on the way home. They said it would be safe to put it right in my tank. Its my first peice of LR, and I will continue to get more as my bidget allows. Damn these expensive hobbies of mine!!!


Active Member
Then its teeming with life. Give it a couple days, you'll start seeing it. When 275 is the small reef, you gotta wonder...... Check out the rock at night with the flashlight. I got asimilar piece from a 40 clam tank that had been going for years. The 2 rocks i got were crawling with stuff and i attribute them to alot of the life i have now. One of the rocks had an encrusting montipora which i've managed to save but it need halides to return it to its former glory.


Active Member
Yep I agree. After a couple months you will have tons of pods & worms & stuff. Just give it some time. I didnt believe it when I was told that same thing but now, only 3 months later my tank is overflowing with those critters! Good luck!