nice colored paly's


I am looking for high end palys. I don't mind one or two polyp frags. I am looking to spend about $200. I am looking for orange, red, blue, nuc greens, red wines, and anything else nicely colored. Please no everyday greens or anything brown. Let em know what you have and we can work something out. Thanks.


I have this one called purple people eater or somethijg like that i got a frag frome this guy and its really taking off. i started with about 4 POLYPS and now have 11 and counting each polyp is about a half inch across very nice color


Active Member
Originally Posted by mscarpena
I am looking for high end palys. I don't mind one or two polyp frags. I am looking to spend about $200. I am looking for orange, red, blue, nuc greens, red wines, and anything else nicely colored. Please no everyday greens or anything brown. Let em know what you have and we can work something out. Thanks.
Check the blue tubs Fedel Castro is selling. I got a 20+ polyp rock and it has quickly become mine and my wifes' favorite.

don lino

Originally Posted by nate487
I have this one called purple people eater or somethijg like that i got a frag frome this guy and its really taking off. i started with about 4 POLYPS and now have 11 and counting each polyp is about a half inch across very nice color

Nate, are u positive those are PPE's?? Depending on how long they took to grow that quick, that may be a record. PPE's are usually real slow growers.


I have greenstardust people eaters and it has taken forever for them to add polyps. So far I have one small one and 2 tring to become something lol Thats been like 4 or 5 months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chris22582
I have greenstardust people eaters and it has taken forever for them to add polyps. So far I have one small one and 2 tring to become something lol Thats been like 4 or 5 months.


Originally Posted by Don Lino
Nate, are u positive those are PPE's?? Depending on how long they took to grow that quick, that may be a record. PPE's are usually real slow growers.

sorry their red people eaters.


I remeber you showed me a pic on zoa id that was just like them. I think it was one of yours. second pic from the left at the time if it helps. lol