Nick's Update


Well what do you think...

So far:
2 mated percs
1 cleaner shrimp
2 porcelain crabs
random hermits
1 green mushroom
zoo and poly frags (thanks Bonebrake!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ncarvain
what does that mean??

It means has one turned female, which I'm guessing it has since you said mated.


Slowly building my tank...
Just got a star polyp and he has already opened!!

My cleaner shrimp likes to hang out in the "cave"

What do you think, so far so good...



Active Member
Looks awesome Nick!
I love the rocks and the GSP.
Are the frags you got from me in there or another tank?


They are in this tank. You can kind of see them in the pic posted on 9-9-06, on the left side of the tank towards the bottom. They are doing well, just not spreading yet.


Has anyone with a Aquapod or other nano tried the glass top??
I typically leave mine off, but the other day I found my female clown in the back section, so I put the glass cover on my tank yesterday. I come home today and my zoos and GSP are not open. I take the glass off and they both open up within minutes.
It seems when the glass is on, it takes away some of the light intensity. Does anyone have experience with this?? :thinking:


Active Member
Nick, your corals could look unhappy when the glass top is on because there may not be enough air circulation with the water and the pH could slowly drop from the build up of carbon dioxide.


Just a quick update and question. In the picture of the zoos, any idea what the long thin green things are? I have them all over this rock and they are spreading and growing. :thinking:
Also, bought a lemonpeel. He is an awesome fish and seems to love my tank so far. Hopefully I dont get blasted for this.
This was after my female perc jumped ship and I found her on my carpet.



Active Member
Your tank looks nice, but I'm not sure how I feel about the angel. I had one in a 90gallon before, and that fish was a constant mover! I am not flaming whatsoever because others I am sure will make up for it. But, if I were you I would stick with clowns, chromis, gobies and blennies. There are some very colorful and personable fish that you can get! Great tank!