Niger needs help!!


I have a few ?'s about tail rot.
How do i treat it?
If one fish has it should the others?
I don't have a digi so i can't post any picks. His tail on some parts are transparent. Parts are rotting away. It looks like some one was nipping... He is the king of the tank and gets in my udulated's @$$ sometimes. For the most part they pretty cool with each other. They swim side by side fluttering their fins together. This niger eats anything I put in for food. Still eats like a pig, even while hurting.
I don't have a QT. I have a 5g that i can dip with, but not for too long. Don't want to stress him. I love this guy. checks me out went i walk by. You may think i'm crazy, but i heard him talk to me. (or grunt to me)
Thank you


Staff member
How long have you had this fish, what are you feeding him, and is the "tail rot" long stringy strands of disentigrading tail or just biten off chomps. Is the base of the tail swollen or red?


The tail looks stringy, but doesn't look swollen or red.
I have him for about two months and this guy eats flake,brine,crill,silversides,and even seaweed.
The bottom fin: normal color to about half way to the tip and then u can see right through...the fin is there, allright not right through but has a transparent look to it. stringy all along the edges.
The top fin: about the same condition as the bottom, but not nearly half as bad. stringy all along the edges.
The tail: blue fading as u move toward the end of the tail. Nice top streamer, still intact. stringy all along the edges.
hopes this helps...sorry no camera.


Staff member
What are your water readings? There is not much you can do to treat finrot in a display tank.
Try adding zoecon supplements to the food about an hr before offering it to fish [not flake]. Alternate this with garlic soaked food.
How often are you feeding?


I feed every other day with meaty foods. Just a pinch of flake or brine for the clown on the in-between days. My water is perfect. I tested at home with the liquid type tester. then brought my perfect results to the LFS for the tablet testing and they got the same resultsexcept the nitrates were around ten. My weekly 5g water change is tomorrow. I don't use a filter...I got 3 biowheels spinning, but i use those as powerheads along with my real powerhead, skimmer, and LR.
I got the biggest condy i've seen in this hasn't got that way from slacking levels.


Staff member
Well, that diet sucks, if you ask me! Sorry for the sour language.
Why don't you try mixing up some fresh seafoods, and feeding at least 2x a day, in addition, add the zoecon to the food.
If you are interested, I'll post up a reciepe.


Staff member
Take a look at the active thread in this forum titled "the fish food network".