I've got niger trigger that is about 4" long. i read that they can get to be as big as 12". he doesn't seem to be growing very quickly. just wondering if i can change his diet to sort of speed this process up.
Funny headline! To speed up growth, you know what the routine is... feed lots, heavy on protein, keep temps in the warmer end of their range, and water clean.
i know you didn't mention it, but is that good to do? haven't broken down and purchased any of that lovely smelling stuff yet. waiting to hear some benefits of it. not really in a hurry, just bored, i think.
Garlic is for parasite control, to my understanding. I've never used it and have no plans to. Take pictures of your trigger, and look back... you'll be amazed how much they grow!
As for the toad, marine toads shouldn't be hard to feed... Live rosies should get a feeding response. If the trigger is bullying it, you should know. Triggers are aggressive feeders, and don't make the best tankmates for ambush fedders like a toad, IMO.
Good luck.
thanks russy. you've been a help. don't know what i'll do about my toadfish. maybe try to give him back to the lfs. there is no chance of him getting anything live(rosies) before my lion or trigger gets it first. i've been target feeding him, but the trigger even gets a hold of that before i can get into the rocks. anything i manage to get in front of him, he refuses. it's tough but i'll work it out. need to figure it out soon though because as far as i know the toad has not eaten in about a week and a half.
aren't rosies freshwater feeders?
What other tankmates do you have with the Niger?
I've read that fish can release growth limiting hormones which can stunt the growth of other fish in the tank.
some fish do release amounts of inhibitor pheremones and there is actually a water treatment that neutralizes those pheremones. its amquell plus. freshwater discus are probably one of the highest producers of the inhibitor pheremone. constant water changes, a diverse diet, and the use of amquell plus can help increase the growth rate of a fish. plus having more space than needed helps too. you can use amquell plus on marine water to neutralize the pheremones. just use it like your declorinating the water for waterchanges, (Do not use more than the labled usage, thinking more is better, you can overdose your tank) you can also use it in your top off water as directed on the label. to my knowledge amquell plus is the only commmon water treatment on the market that affects pheremones. its also the only one I use for all my tanks FW and marine.
i use garlic extreme on a daily basis for my fish this is used as a vit suppliment to help keep the fishes natural imune system at its best garlic also does help with enhansing the oder of the food to entice feeding..
as for speeding up the growth rate im not sure if thats accually possible i do know that less feeding can reduce how fast a fish grows but as for speeding up the natural growth rate is touch and go and i would assume a matter of oppinion as to an honest answer to your question.