Niger, Something different.


My Niger has out grown his sleepy hole. He's been sleeping in there since he was a wee 2". Now he just kind of stands on his head and sleeps at the entrance of it. He looks kind of stupid standing on his head all night. But, I guess thats all he's known since he was a juvy. Now he's about 6"-7".



Active Member
i just got my niger, its about 3 inch and practically black
when does it get to be that color?


Let him acclimate to your system over a period of time and he will lightn up. Also, could be your lighting.


Active Member
lol, makes me miss my trigger so bad....he was so funny, when i first got him, i wo uld freak out and think he was dead because he would lay on his side inthe sand...then i'd reach in to grab him out and he'd freak out and swim around the to me about 4 times before i realized he was sleeping.
i love that fish,
i wish so badly they were reef safe