Niger that thought he can Fly!!!!


Last night i finally caught my niger trigger so he could go in my qt to begin his hypo treatment with the rest of the family I woke up this morning to check on everybody and he was missing i found him on the floor
he had a great personality makes me said that he is gone I have my qt tank top covered about 80% with alittle opening to alow for power cords to come out and for feeding and water changes has anybody every had this problem with this type of fish and if not anybody else with a trigger becareful or a prized fish my be lost


Active Member
...... yeah it sucks to lose fish... i lost a fish like that myself.. friggin tusk!!! why didnt he know he cant breath out of the water!!! but yeah.. lots of fish jump.. thats why we you cover the tank with glass covers or egg crete from hd ( it's in lighting area)


Active Member
sorry bro........... when i had freshwater, my oscar would jump into the cover and open it and still manage to hit the floor, like 7 ft drop... i thought there was a burglar inside the house one night, it was just him flopping around!