niger trigger and inverts


New Member
will my niger trigger get along with my inverts? I.E Fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, snails, and hermits? i know the niger trigger is the least aggressive trigger. the trigger is currenty in my QT. Just want to make sure before i let it into my display with the inverts.


New Member
Originally Posted by nimo1969
they are going to be food ....................... soon
Kinda figured that. thanks for the reply. I might as well take it back to the LFS and trade it for another fish.


I kept a nager for over 2 years never messed any snails or crabs. Id be a little nervous about the shrimps though.

kart racer

The niger I had never ate any of my hermits but he would pick them up and swim around the tank with them and spit them out. At least I never seen him eat one. I didn't have any shrimp with him but I would go buy bait shrimp on occasion to feed him and he would wear them out.


Active Member
As for my personal exp. with Niger's I cant say I have ever had a prob. with inverts (Except Shrimp)..The shrimp last about 2 hours and then they are gone and he is full.


Active Member
I had to get rid of my bursa trigger cause he was going after my crabs and my urchin.
You might try a blue throat trigger if your willing to take the chance?
But he might go after them also, no guarantee's!