Niger Trigger and Volitan Lionfish


Originally Posted by 95Harley
Anyone done it? Success/Failure? Will one shred a Lion? Need advise.

I have a bursa trigger and a volitan and they have been together for about 2 years and never any problems. I did have a large niger for awhile and he would sometimes mess with the lion but nothing too bad


It will depend on the fish, if you add it, keep an eye on this mix, watch for any fin nipping. I have seen it done yet seen where a niger can turn.......


Active Member
IMO/E, I wouldnt have a problem putting a Niger with a Volitan.
I had kept my 15" Volitan with a Blue Throat, Durgeon, Clown and one other...cant remember...and never had a problem. I never worried about the Durgeon or the Blue Throat, but I always kept a very watchful eye on the Clown.
Species that I would NOT keep with Lions would be a Humu and the other usual suspects (Queens, Undulates, Blue Lines...).


Active Member
I have had a niger trigger and a volitan lion together for almost 4 years, and also a pink tail, and a picasso trigger, they never go after the lion.


I have a Niger with a fuzzy dwarf. Been together for years now, never been any problems. The trigger is about 5" and the fuzzy 4".


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
I have had a niger trigger and a volitan lion together for almost 4 years, and also a pink tail, and a picasso trigger, they never go after the lion.
What sized tank?