Niger Trigger Dead


I lost my best fish yesterday my Niger Trigger. I dont know why, he was eating like a hog and very happy. Is it possiabe the feeders I was giving him has something wrong with them.


Active Member
Quite possible, but that is usually more of a slow lingering death due to malnutrition from lack of varied diet, rather than "overnight"
Unless they Brought in some disease or parasite with them...
What kind of "feeders"...?? What else has he been eating..??
You said "eating like a Hog"...sometimes they can "overeat", get an impaction (clog) and resultant bacterial decay will kill them...
Any "signs" on the fish...?? Bloating...Spots...Cloudy eye..Swimming funny (upside down/sideways)...Cuts..Scrapes...Brusies...??
Have you checked the water parameters...How about aggression/stress from tankmates...?
Unless he "choked" on a feeder, it's usually not a "fine one day/dead the next" kind of thing...
Anything else about the tank you can tell us...?


The fish looked great. He was eating about 8 gupies every other day. I did have him in with a Yellow tang and a hawaiian puffer but they never had issues. There were no bite markes on the fish or scratches. The water in the tank is great. I think he might of over eaten.


the gupies did him in it is not healthy to eat those all the time they need nutients that are in saltwater foods such as shrimp squid clams snails and other shell fishes


I only gave him gupies once a week. I keept him on a diet of clams, slider, pellets, shrimp ect. What ever I put in the tank he would eat.


I doubt you feeding him guppies caused his death. Over a long period of time it might have, kind of like smoking cigarettes.
How long was he on this diet?
What do you mean by "great" water?