niger trigger help


i am thinking of getting a niger trigger for my tank. i do have a couple corals and a big clam. i know that he wont bother the corals but will he eat the clam.


Active Member
How big is the clam? i have a large one with hermits snails and a pep shrimp and a coral banded shrimp the cb shrimp actually cleans the trigger


mine hasnt bothered any of my corals ..havent seen him bother any of my crabs eather but cant help you with the clams? dont have any of them but i know he loves mussels when i put them in here hope this helps...


the clam is 8 to 9 inchs long i really would like to have a trigger i was looking at the niger, blue throat, and the pinktail. i want a trigger that is best suited for a reef tank.


Active Member
Niger is probably your best bet unless you can afford the hefty price tag of a Sargassum Trigger (which is the friendiest Trigger).