niger trigger sick


hey my niger trigger has a white spot on his face next to his mouth, it doesnt look like ick, is this a parasite though?? he is breathing heavy and sitting under a rock and has been like this now for 2 weeks, i took him out of water and looked at him and then tryed to put him in a freshwater bath...didnt work its still there..what do i do?


it is like a sore, it is 3d it goes in where the white thing is it has kind of eaten into him it looks like, yes there is only one white spot, he is breathing heavy for sure, and he isnt swimming around alot or eating alot....anyone know what this is, i have tryed kick ick..and the one for bacterial infections, whatever the name of it is, and neither have worked, like i said earlier he has been like this for around 2 weeks...


I highly recommend asking this queston at the deaseses and treatment form, that might help with the answers.


My niger gets those often. At first I was worried too, but I think they're just scratches and they come and go. Dont fret too much, just keep an eye out and make sure he only has 2 or 3 at a time. Its very common and I dont think its a disease or a parasite.