Niger Trigger w/ Whitish Slime



Hello: I've had a niger trigger in my qt tank undergoing hypo for about 3 weeks. Over the weekend he got a whitish dusting or film all over his body. I noticed he was scratching a bit today.
My tank parameters are all acceptable, i've been closely monitoring PH, and I've been doing water changes religiously hoping for the conditon to improve... it hasn't. Now he is not eating his garlic krill or anything.
The past 3 days he likes to sleep in the top corner of the tank. He will swim if he see's me approach. He does sleep in his pipe like normal.
I'm worried this is Brook, which I have no Formyldahide, and fear I won't be able to get any for a week. Any ideas? Anything to keep this menace at bay until I can get some formyldhide? He is already in Hyposaline water and I have Furacyn, Kanacyn, and Marcyn 2 if needed? What else could this be?
Help..... :confused:


Staff member
How long have you had this fish? Are you sure the fish had ich to begin with? Is this white more like excessive mucus? Is the fish gilling rapidly with swollen gills? Is the white a more greyish color? Is the white pealing, or does it just look mucusy? It could well be a secondary infection to the ich, which is common. Try using the M2 for SWF. Just before each redose with M2, do a water change and/or a couple of hrs of carbon filtration.


It's tuff to say. There's no real peices peeling off her. There was ick in the tank before and as a precautionary measure, I did hypo. It looks like dust really, that could be wiped off. I'll try and snap a pic.


Can't get a good pic now.
So you think it may be a bacterial infection?


Staff member
"Dust" almost sounds like oodinium! Do you see rapid gilling, swollen gills?
Where is the "dusting' located?
You should move the fish to the QT and begin hypo again. Not for ich, but just to releave the fish's stress.


The white seems to be peeling off. His eye seems to be glossed over now. He is just sitting under the sponge filter with mild to rapid gilling? Think it's brook? How do you eradicate that from a tank?


Staff member
Have you had brook in the tank??? Brook, I believe, would have killed the fish by now.
I would do hypo and also treatment with M2 for SWF.


He was dead today when I returned from work. Major skin peeling.
I don't know how it got in there.
My question is now, how do I get rid of it. I going to get a new fish but now I have this in my qt tank?


I qt all fish for a min of 1 month. The trigger was on his last week and became afflicted with this ailment. There has been no other fish in the tank with him? I wonder?
How should I go about purging my tank and equipment of this disease?


Staff member
I would say no fish in QT now for 2 mos, or complete breakdown of tank with bleech cleaning. Since we don't know exactly what the problem was.