Niger Trigger


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What Are Some Foods That Your Niger Trigger Eats... I Just Got 1 Today And I Would Like 2 Feed Him Asap... Thanx For Your Help


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Originally Posted by minibarry6
What Are Some Foods That Your Niger Trigger Eats... I Just Got 1 Today And I Would Like 2 Feed Him Asap... Thanx For Your Help
I have three of them and they all eat just about everything. If it hits the water they will eat it.


New Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I have three of them and they all eat just about everything. If it hits the water they will eat it.
scuba what do u usually feed them just give me a brief list of like 4-5 foods


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Krill, squid, mysis, formula one, formula two, nori, mussel, marine cuisine, silversides, emerald green,..and I am probably forgetting a couple.


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Seriously now : squid ,shrimp,muscles, scalops,silversides, flake, brine shrimp,sea weed pelet . You name it and they will eat it. but definatly try to stick with more meaty things such as the shimp squid muscles and scalops. they carry more nutritition.


New Member
Originally Posted by mitzel
Seriously now : squid ,shrimp,muscles, scalops,silversides, flake, brine shrimp,sea weed pelet . You name it and they will eat it. but definatly try to stick with more meaty things such as the shimp squid muscles and scalops. they carry more nutritition.
ok thanx every 1 im gonna try and feed him in like 10 minutes i have gosht shrimp,cut up pieces of shrimp,squid and some flakes... that should work right?


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Originally Posted by minibarry6
ok thanx every 1 im gonna try and feed him in like 10 minutes i have gosht shrimp,cut up pieces of shrimp,squid and some flakes... that should work right?


New Member
i just tried 2 feed him and he didnt eat any thing in prolly gonna by some krill thursday or friday i dunno yet but do u guys think maybe hes not eating because i bought him 2day?


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fingers if your not fast enough
mine ate half of my engeneer goby

anything meaty mine also eats flaked and pelleted foods


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Originally Posted by minibarry6
i just tried 2 feed him and he didnt eat any thing in prolly gonna by some krill thursday or friday i dunno yet but do u guys think maybe hes not eating because i bought him 2day?
Yes....quite possible.


Active Member
My niger trigger would suggest eat flakes. The when he saw what i was feeding my eel he would come and try it. He would never touch krill or anything else. But now hes eating squid and krill. He never tries to bite my fingers, when ever i put my hand in the tanks he swims off. I would skip the feeder fish and use saltwater fish flakes. I would also dump in some krill and squid and leave it in the tank for awhile and see what the trigger will do.


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Yes most times a new fish even such as triggers will be timid the first day or so and not eat. if nothing seams to be working try some garlic extreme or minced garlic soaked with the food. the ghost shrimp should get it to feeding but I wouldn't use them as a steedy diet.


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when i got my clown a few years ago, i fed it two hours later and it started eating!!! :happyfish


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As I said :mad: "MOST" :mad: times. there are a lot of factors in this. water quality, aclimation, how long the fish has been in transit from the ocean/breeder to your tank. tank size , inhabitants ,lighting over all health of the fish.


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It doesn't really matter. all of the above will effect any kind of fish. SW/FW/BW
But I would think you should know that .