niger trigger

eel freak

i was wondering about a niger triger. would it eat my fish. 1 and a half foot snowflake eel dwarf lion coral beauty 4 damsals fox face blue spoted puffer and an engener goby


Active Member
Originally Posted by eel freak
i was wondering about a niger triger. would it eat my fish. 1 and a half foot snowflake eel dwarf lion coral beauty 4 damsals fox face blue spoted puffer and an engener goby
im not sure on the fish selection but if its going into the 72 then .. wow tht is going to get ugly. it sounds like its going to get cramped soon


New Member
I had a Niger with 2 damsels and a stars and stripes puffer with no problems. The niger isnt an overly aggresive trigger.


Active Member
The trigger will definitely have issues with something in the tank if it is with all of those other fish in a 72 gallon aquarium.

shark bait

I do not see any out right issues with the fish but you said once the stock drops. That is sad that you are looking ahead when your fish die. It would be better to take them back and get credit. Nigers are calm and active fish, but still have the same habits as all trigers.


Originally Posted by eel freak
for the second time when one or two die.
instead of looking for ways to replace your fish "when" they die, why don't you spend this time and energy on studying for ways to try and keep everything alive. that's the point of all of us being on here...isn't it?


To accurately answer your question, the answer is Yes. In that small tank with the tankmates, and the eel especially you are looking for an annoyed trigger. I have had nigers in the past and they were much less aggro than my humus and clowns...but a trigger is a trigger is a trigger. One day you'll walk out there to a missing fish...or missing part of a fish. (Like, missing one eye, for example...triggers love eyes)