Niger Trigger


New Member
I've had my Niger Trigger for about 2 weeks now. Over all he has been doing very well, active in the tank and eating very well. But over the past couple of days i have noticed he will be laying on his side at the bottom against the glass, but when i walk up to the tank to get a closer look. he jumps up and swims over to the glass where im at. Is this normal for the Niger? or should i be worried about something?

shark bait

stress and water quality are for sure an issue this is a sure sign.

freak man

Ive had Niger's before and they will do that sometime, no stress no bad water , they just do that. I have seen other peoples Niger's do the same thing. I would not worry about it. Heck I have seen my Melanaris Wrasse do the same thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Offshore80
Nigers do that. Mine likes to rest on his nose.
Yeah, IME, this is common behavior for a Niger. How's his appetite? BTW, I think these are great, under-appreciated fish that almost always become a favorite.


I agree, there is no problem with your water by what you describe. Triggers will go upside down, sideways, you name it they will stay in weird positions all the time. Wait until yours starts changing colors. It will turn purple, almost white. It just depends on what mood they are in. They are really cool fish and you will enjoy watching all the antics of your fish. Have fun!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Offshore80
Nigers do that. Mine likes to rest on his nose.

My niger trigger did that a lot too . First time I saw it I freaked out . Thought it was gonna die and I had the death watch for a few days kept waiting to scoop him out .
The color flashing is cool . Mine mainly did it when he was hungry or just trying to get atention . lol some of the coolest colors I ever saw on it.