niger trigger


Active Member
They can be very aggressive when larger, are not shrimp safe, not always safe around small fish, and only semi-reef safe.


Active Member
I only know of one guy who has kept one in his reef long term, he did not have any problems. He removed it at about 10" when he redid his reef, it is now in a fowler. Cool fish, but I wouldnt trust it with shrimp or crabs


Active Member
when its comes trigger, this is ur best bet besides blue throat, if u want to put one in a reef. start them small, and feed it well, and it might not eat ur inverts. i hv one in my fowlr, and hasnt bother any inverts. they eat like crazy tho.


Active Member
Mine is a perfect gent.
Only isolated case's nothing to worry over. He is 5 inches.