

can you put niger triggers together with a lionfish? can you also put a group of niger riggers together? about 3 of them?


With the Niger I would say it can go in with the lion BUT watch the niger, they have been known to turn on a lion. This will depend on the fish, what happens today with the niger as a juvenile may not be the same tomorrow.
The same goes for the Pinktail (the Niger and Pinktail are Medium Aggressive fish) and though I have had my Pinktail for years and keep it with my lions, I never get to comfortable, I watch for any sign's of harassment and fin nipping on my lions.
What size tank do you have?
This is another factor that will play a role in keeping these long term, I would not place more than one niger per tank. You may have territorial issues along with stress, with stress can come health. If your tank is large enough and you want to keep a lion yet more than one trigger, look at the Bluethroats (Male & Female) or a pair of Crosshatch triggers.