nitrare spike


New Member
has anyone seen nitrates go from 10ppm to 160ppm in a matter of days. lightly stocked and top off with ro


I don't know what would cause such a spike...maybe your tank isn't fully cycled?
I'd try 10% daily water changes, and if that doesn't help after a week or so, AmQuel+ worked for me and didn't harm any of my inverts.


First, I would get a good Nitrate test kit. (Salifert) Then test it again. Mine did that and I freaked. Changed 60 gallons of water and it was still to the moon. I bought a better test kit and it was 25ppm.


I just had mine hit 160 last week.
(I had it test at the LFS and they confirmend my results)
Your test may be not be accurate for some reason, you could try testing it with another kit.
I did 2 50% water changes and will do another one in the next day or two.
Mine are down to 40ppm at this point.
I was really scared to do that drastic of a water change, but it work for me and everything seems to be doing well again.
I would try doing daily water changes of like 10-15% and see if that worked before adding any chemicals.


New Member
thanks for the input
will run out and get a better test kit. if still high will have to take immediate action. the one thing i couldnt understand is fish and coral are doing fine

nm reef

Active Member
I would definitely check your results against a trusted LFS's results or as you mentioned check into a better/newer test for your nitrates. I'd also determine the source of the increase in nitrates if they are elevated. Persoanlly I'd avoid any type of additive that claims to reduce nitrates ... instead I'd use more natural methods to reduce them and control the introduction of them.


My fish and coral were doing fine as well except for my brain that would fully expand. At first I thought maybe I didn't have enough light for him but since the water changes he is back to normal.
I would get salifert if you can. They are supposed to be the most accurtate. I have not used them myself yet but after hearing so many good things about them I intend to order them from this site.
If you are interested in Salifert this site has the best prices on them that I have been able to find.


Check your water for ammonia... In this area our tap waters Ammonia is to the moon. It was effecting my dogs and now they drink the RO. Sometimes that can be a factor in the cause.


New Member
thanks again for the input. just finished a 50% water change. so far so good corals are looking better already. thanks again