nitrate affecting corals



would a nitrate level of 15ppm make my corals go a duller colour?


Active Member
it might, why are your nitrates so high?? if you keep them that high for too long the corals might not live much longer


Active Member
15 ppm on nitrates is well within the safe zone. It might affect the color. I know most of them like 0 nitrates but they shouldn't die.


I lost color on bam bam orange zoas because of my light, I think.
What lights do you have?


Active Member
thats not high enough to effect corals, probably its your lighting, how much acentics are you using?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
it might, why are your nitrates so high?? if you keep them that high for too long the corals might not live much longer

huh??? 15 ppm isnt high thats well within a safe zone , corals dont need 0 nitrates.
I would check your phosphates. and also what are your other levels like , temp , SG.
Also could be your lighting 10 k can wash out color and promote growth while 20k will deepen colour and decrease growth , and 14 is the best of both worlds.


Active Member
I would consider 15ppm verging on concerning in a reef tank but besides the sensitive corals like perhaps some moderate/difficult SPS thats not high enough to effect color. If they did anything they would expand less but I dont think 15 ppm would do it. High phospates (not even real high but above 1.0ppm) would have a much greater effect. For me 5 ppm is the end of the preferrable zone. 5-10ppm is the perhaps I should do a water change zone and 10-20ppm would be the do it right now zone although I've never gone higher than 10ppm. 20+ppm FOWLR numbers. This is the only reason I added a sump. with the increased 2x a day feeding I could not maintain the preferable zone in a 30gallon with the fish I had. 10g sump and macro dropped right back into the preferable zone with no change in feeding habits. Dropped phospates from a always 0.5ppm no matter what I did to 0ppm all within a months time.
I agree with the phosphates or lighting creating your problem - what lighting are you using? pc's, t-5's, mh? what kelvin?
As far as nitrates go, 15ppm should not have any effect on color, and unless you have a truely hard to keep coral it shouldnt "kill" it either. Oppm of course is what everyone shoots for - however some corals prefer water that is a little "dirty" Xenia and Zoanthids for example. I have nitrates at levels of 15-30 because I tend to over feed my tank and at this point do not have a sump because of tank limitations. I do however keep softies, LPS and yes SPS in this tank nicely and see significant growth on all.