nitrate level


Hello, Everyone I just finished doing my water tests. The results were ph-8.4 ammonia-0 Nitrites-0 Nitrates-0. I have 1chromis 3 hermites 5 snails tank size is 33g with only 10 lbs. of lr. And the tank is 7 wks old. My ? is why 0 nitrates I would think with living organisms in the tank nitrates would be 0.5 to 10.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jimbo63
Hello, Everyone I just finished doing my water tests. The results were ph-8.4 ammonia-0 Nitrites-0 Nitrates-0. I have 1chromis 3 hermites 5 snails tank size is 33g with only 10 lbs. of lr. And the tank is 7 wks old. My ? is why 0 nitrates I would think with living organisms in the tank nitrates would be 0.5 to 10.
Depends on your equipment and water changes. Dont sound to mad ab it. Nitrate level of 0 is really good. Im fighting mine to get down to 0 as of right now.


Active Member
the job of LR and your filtration is to eliminate these and it seems to be doing a good job at it. I too at the moment am fighting nitrates


Active Member
You are very lightly stocked with only one small fish, which is a large contibuting factor but the goal is to stay as close to zero as you can and it can be achieved even with a moderately stocked tank as well as long as you use good husbandry practices.