NItrate maintain at 20ppm for 20 G, Normal?


Hi, I checked my levels for my water for 1 week continuously. Ammo, Nitrite, Phos, PH and Salinity, all mention are at 0, PH 8.0, Temp: 82 to 80f,and 1.024....maintains at that level for past 7 days. But my Nitrate are at constantly 20ppm....water change 20% it'll drop to 5ppm but 2 days later back to 20 PPM (Top off water is RO/DI). flow is good, 2inch LS, LR, CUC, not over feeding....HOB clean every week. is this normal?


If you have a FOWLR you are fine. Nitrates at 20 is more than adequate and perfectly normal...if you have corals and such in there, there may be often are you changing your filter pads?...they often harbor nitrates...other than that you may want to back the feeding down, but again if you have fish only, just keep doing what your doing...nothing to worry about.