Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, and Ph levels


Where are these levels supposed to be and how can I get them to decrease? Thank you for reading this.:notsure:


From the little that I know, these are the most basic water measurements you take to find out your water's quality.
Your pH needs to be around 8.3.
Your nitrites and ammonia should both be at 0 after you're done cycling. They're toxic to fish. What happens when you first start cycling your tank is that the ammonia spikes, then falls, then the nitrites spike and fall. Nitrites and then converted into nitrates, which are not toxic unless they are very high (over 40). In fact, I believe a small amount of them are beneficial. But.. definitely wait for other answers. I've had my tank up for a total of 2 weeks, so what do I know? lol :happy:


Active Member
Everything you said sounds good, jamie907. Just to throw in, when the ammonia and nitrites are 0, and your nitrates begin to go up, do a large water change and you should be ready for your first fish. However, you do want your pH at or around 8.3, like stated.


Active Member
As stated amonia and nitrite should be 0, PH around 8.3 8.4 somewhere in there, And nitrates should be 20 or lower "if you have inverts" and 40 or lower for fish only I have heard as high a 50. But there best at 0 "but if there above dont worrie".