Nitrate on the rise


New Member
My nitrates were always around 20-30 ppm, but lately it has risen to almost 50 ppm. Anyone have suggestions on how to lower nitrate, and if 50 ppm is ok?


Active Member
Yes I have suggestions for you
Water changes, water changes, water changes and then do another water change! Beyong that get a good clean up crew to get rid of the waste that breaks down from nitrites to nitrates.
What changes have you made lately since the increase? You would want to get a reading of 0 to 40 so 50 isn't that bad but they're right when they said water changes. You should have many options at your lfs on nitrate reducers. If you don't have a skimmer get one it helps.


Active Member
what type of system do you have, if it is fo 50 is not leathal for fish only, but water changes can help
what type of filtration do you use
what type of substrate and how much
how much livestock
how old is the tank
did you recently add fish, and how fast have you been adding them
do you have any lr
do you have a skimmer
how often and how much do you do water changes
and your water source, has it changed, or been tested for nitrates
these things may help us to help you more than just guessing
[ December 20, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]


New Member
Well I added about 30lbs of live rock. I am about 90% sure thats what did it. I am going to take another reading right now. I will reply again.


IMO I wouldn't add more than 5-10# at a time. Sounds like your bacteria wasn't up for that much of an increase. Watch for that amonia spike (if you haven't already had it).


Active Member
I would like to ask another Question - What type of substrate do you have. Crushed Coral has been a source of discussion on this site as a nitrate problem. I decided to change form CC to a deep sand bed for the same reason - my nitrates were going sky high - 60. After changing to DSB my nitrates fell quickly to 30 and are slowly dropping. Check out some older nitrate discussions and see. Also there has been discussion that bio wheel are a cause as well.