

New Member
1)I just run a test on my ph and Nitrate and my ph is low so I addthe Pro.Buffer dkh From Kent ? I hope its ok?
2) then I run a test on the Nitrane ( Im using fasttest)and Iits read 100 I think its very bad what can I do bisaid water chages .


Active Member
Water changes will be your best bet to get it back under control, but it got that high for a reason... perhaps you're overstocked and/or overfeeding?
Give us some info on your tank...
how long has your tank been setup?
tank size?


New Member
Hi my tank is 95gl corner with 90 lb of live rock (hopfuly)for fish I have:1)Neso, yellow, 2 blue tang ,sailfine, 2 clowne ,skank ,demsel,rinbow
Filtererion wet/dry ,protin skimmer,UV ,ozonazer,baio
light 440vho


Amir, I would say that your stocking level is the culprit for high nitrate levels. High nitrate is not quite as big of problem in a FOWLR tank than it is with a reef, but you still want it as low as possible. I would shoot for under 40 with 20 being pretty good for FO or FOWLR. I would say that your biggest problem is the Naso (not for bio-load, but rather overcrowding) Generally Nasos are kept in 120+ gal. You have quite a few tangs in there and tangs in particular like good water conditions. My recomendation would probably be to remove the naso and you would be fine with respect to Bio-load. You could get into a problem with the rest of the tangs, but thats your call.


Active Member
Especially if you've had this set-up for two years with the same fish.
Fish grow
Eat more
More waste
More nitrates