New Member
Hey all. I'm Steve and new to this forum. i have a 65g set up that i wanna do a reef tank. i have had it set up since jan and have cycled the tank. my problem is i cant seem to keep my nitrates down. i get them down with water changes but i dont want to do a 50% all the time. i read that many people have thier nitrates at 0 but i have never gotten mine that low. i am usually at about 20. they have spiked again due to some a fish dying. i had a lion fish and a dogface puffer a snowflake eel and a wrasse that i dont know what kind but pretty as hell. anyways they wrasse died and now my nitrates are reading about 80 again. how can i get them down and keep them down. thanks for the help i will get pics up as soon as i can.